Entries Invited For The 2021 Fat Jockey Grand National.
Starting on Monday April 12th (two days after the Aintree version) the Fat Jockey Grand National is run on a daily basis on the Grand National course as displayed. The numbered yellow squares indicate the path your horse takes and F either side of the course in a red square indicates a fence. The number of squares between fences varies as you move round the course. On the first circuit you are travelling middle to outer but on the approach to the fence before The Chair you move inwards as the runners thin out and travel middle to inner on the second circuit before moving out round the elbow for the long run in to the winning post.
Each day players make ONE selection in each of the first six races at a meeting of their choice (UK or Ireland, NH or Flat) and the number of winners you select equates to the throw of a dice, e.g three winners would mean moving forward three squares. All six selections must be posted before the start of your first race with no further amendments (edits), NO EXCEPTIONS. Dead heats count as a winner, non-runners or void races as a loser. If a meeting is abandoned prior to racing, you may elect to use another meeting that day or wait until the following day.
Landing on a fence means you have fallen (F) and are out of the race so you need to think carefully how many winners you need each and every day to ensure you do not fall. Depending on how brave a jockey you are, and to steer a safe course round, you may choose to deliberately select horses you do not think will win (although of course they may do) as well as winners. Not selecting any winners at all on day one or two means your horse has been left at the start (L) and you are out of the race, not selecting any winners on two consecutive days later in the race results in your horse slipping up (S) and likewise you are out of the race. Missing one or two days during the competition for whatever reason does not disqualify anyone, however missing three consecutive days is recorded as pulled up (P) and you are out of the race. If a meeting is abandoned after it has started, winners and therefore number of squares moved will still count .If this means you land between two F’s, you are recorded as Brought Down (B) and you are out of the race.
As the pace picks up for the second circuit (once you reach square 46) you can make TWO selections in any TWO races each day to speed up the process of finding the winners you need. After the last fence winners are an absolute must in case someone behind is doing a Crisp impersonation. At the conclusion of the race the first player who lands on square 90 is deemed to be the winner and so on down to fourth place, To be clear, Race 1 will count before Race 2 and so on, the time of the race if at different meetings is irrelevant.
As per the real thing, the number of people taking part is limited to 40, thereafter the next four entries are classed as reserves 1 – 4 in the order they are made and replace anyone who drops out prior to the start of the competition.The riders and their status will be listed and will be updated as soon as possible each evening or very early next morning if evening meetings are involved.
Middle-Of-March will be compiling odds for a virtual betting market once the declarations are known, places down to fourth place. There may even be in running odds, who knows?
Entries here on this thread to close at noon on Sunday April 10th with spaces limited to 40 players and 4 reserves or preferably before if fully subscribed.