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Going Chasing / Staying Hurdling.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Furiousiceman View Post
    Interesting what they do with Ferny Hollow. You'd think keep him over hurdles assuming he makes a full recovery.
    I got 33/1 for the arkle just as Appreciate It won the Supreme - generally 16's now. Hope they go chasing


    • #17
      Originally posted by Magpie View Post

      Completely agree with that, was impressive bearing Bob Olinger in November, would like to get inside once there’s some idea of health/target.
      That ferny injury still hurts ! I hope he comes back and fulfils his potential and i will be listening out for any info on his wellbeing and targets.


      • #18
        When he was injured Mullins mentioned Punchestown might be on the cards so fingers crossed he makes an appearance


        • #19
          Originally posted by Hurricane fly View Post
          When he was injured Mullins mentioned Punchestown might be on the cards so fingers crossed he makes an appearance
          Would be great if he did run there. Would love to hear an update about him.


          • #20
   Hopefully Punchestown. I would like to see him stay hurdling next season even if it is trying to do the impossible giving 160 mares 7lbs, no doubt he has quirks and can't help but feel he could be a bit messy fencing(that ptp mistake he made and powered on sticks in the mind)


            • #21
              Has anyone heard anything about whether Alaphilippe might be going chasing next season or not? Although he was beaten by quite a way in this year's Albert Bartlett it appeared as though it was all happening a bit quickly for him on that ground, and he was staying on well at the end.

              He's not currently quoted in the betting that I can see, but might be of interest in the NH Chase if it came up softer next year?


              • #22
                My Drogo. Chasing.ATR.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by somer1 View Post
                  The Marsh looks to be the target on the basis of that.


                  • #24
                    sounds like thyme hill goes stayers

                    Hobbs said: "We'll have to think about it as he's schooled very well over fences. But I suppose when you're at the top end in one division you would stay over hurdles, I'd have thought."


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by fatherjohn View Post
                      sounds like thyme hill goes stayers

                      Hobbs said: "We'll have to think about it as he's schooled very well over fences. But I suppose when you're at the top end in one division you would stay over hurdles, I'd have thought."
                      Makes complete sense.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by somer1 View Post
                        If they don't skip Cheltenham again. Worked this year ?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Lobos View Post

                          If they don't skip Cheltenham again. Worked this year ?
                          They were minding him this year looking forward to going over fences

                          Id think hed only miss the festival next year if he is shown not to be one of the top UK contenders


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by somer1 View Post
                            Hats off to the skeltons/owners, how refreshing to hear a trainer come out and tell the punters what their plans are for the horse. MD might come out and not be able to jump a twig, and plans might change for a number of reasons but keeping us in the loop is something that warrants respect. Well done Dan.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Birds Nest View Post

                              Hats off to the skeltons/owners, how refreshing to hear a trainer come out and tell the punters what their plans are for the horse. MD might come out and not be able to jump a twig, and plans might change for a number of reasons but keeping us in the loop is something that warrants respect. Well done Dan.
                              Great shoutout Birdsnest (great Forum name too), I love to see targets and aims directly made to the public, it makes it more of an inclusive sport, for punters.

                              There’s a great desire to know where the stars are heading for.
                              "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Birds Nest View Post

                                Hats off to the skeltons/owners, how refreshing to hear a trainer come out and tell the punters what their plans are for the horse. MD might come out and not be able to jump a twig, and plans might change for a number of reasons but keeping us in the loop is something that warrants respect. Well done Dan.
                                I agree, but Dan hardly deserves a Pulitzer for telling us that massive unit goes over fences!! Looks all over a future chaser. Will be very interesting to see how he gets on. We see trainers change their minds re trip in the days/weeks leading up to Cheltenham, so I wouldn't pay too much attention to the intermediate trip comment. It gives Dan (like he needs it) leeway to go up or down, depending on how the horse does. Worth noting My Drogo won at Aintree as a 6yo not 5yo so I imagine the dream is novice chasing at 7 then Gold Cup at 8. He's by Milan and what a sire. Says 511 winners from 1158 runners since 1988 on the RP (which seems stupidly good). He has produced speedsters (like Jezki) but tends to produce far more that want staying trips. To me that's what My Drogo looks like, but they have noted he is quite highly strung, so perhaps his temperament and how he takes to chasing will dictate what trip suits him best.

