With most bets on, now is the time when the Daily and festival Yankees come to the fore.
I’m always a little unsure how much I should stake on a Yankee (or any multiple for that matter)
To give some context, most bets early on (before NRNB), tend to be 1 or 2 points to win, after NRNB, they climb up to 3pts EW.
I do have a couple of bigger stakes if I can see an obvious trading angle.
But 4-6 points is an average stake.
So as you can see I’m a fairly conservative punter.
When betting on a Yankee, I tend to adjust the stakes so that ew or win the total stake (for all 11 bets) is around 2 points.
I’ve never had one come up (in fact I’m not sure I’ve ever had more than 2 out of the 4 win) so that in part explains my reluctance to up the stakes.
But I’d be interested to how the FJ community view this level of stakes (about one third for what you’d bet on a single).
How does it compare and do you have any opinions as to whether I could improve my staking plan.
I really liked a post a while back (apologies I can’t remember who it was) that suggested splitting bets into 3 points - 1pts ew and 1 pt win.
I’d never considered doing this as a general rule (instead either doing horse to win or ew) but find myself doing it more and more, so was wondering if I was missing any other tricks.
I’m always a little unsure how much I should stake on a Yankee (or any multiple for that matter)
To give some context, most bets early on (before NRNB), tend to be 1 or 2 points to win, after NRNB, they climb up to 3pts EW.
I do have a couple of bigger stakes if I can see an obvious trading angle.
But 4-6 points is an average stake.
So as you can see I’m a fairly conservative punter.
When betting on a Yankee, I tend to adjust the stakes so that ew or win the total stake (for all 11 bets) is around 2 points.
I’ve never had one come up (in fact I’m not sure I’ve ever had more than 2 out of the 4 win) so that in part explains my reluctance to up the stakes.
But I’d be interested to how the FJ community view this level of stakes (about one third for what you’d bet on a single).
How does it compare and do you have any opinions as to whether I could improve my staking plan.
I really liked a post a while back (apologies I can’t remember who it was) that suggested splitting bets into 3 points - 1pts ew and 1 pt win.
I’d never considered doing this as a general rule (instead either doing horse to win or ew) but find myself doing it more and more, so was wondering if I was missing any other tricks.