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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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  • #16
    Originally posted by The King Pimm View Post
    I’ve been doubting myself a lot and watering down the bets I have by backing market rivals as the weeks pass. It’s a combination of a fear of losing and wanting to guarantee a return from each race. I’ve targeted 20 races to win at the festival and will be disappointed if I don’t win 20 given the large number of bets I have covering most of the market leaders. My betting strategy is weak though, if I only had 40 bets at the festival I would probably win more than if I had 100, I doubt myself too much and allow myself to be influenced by other people’s opinions and thoughts. If I think a horse is shit then stick to that decision regardless of how much it’s price is cut. Hopefully I’ll get a decent amount back after day 2 to be able to ease up and let bets ride instead of cashing out and sticking to my guns and not back every horse that moves in the market.
    That's a classic thing to fall into TKP, I've been so guilty of it in the past, and it was deffo something I want to curb back on this year.

    Might be too much for you, I use a notebook that I have a page per race and I've adapted the CBT thought diary format to. So when a horse is noted and I've backed it, I write in why, and what the angle is. If there's a horse I'm not so keen on I'll write why and that I'm happy for it to win without me backing. Then coming to the festival I've got a physical record to fall back on and go "no" unless something like a new form line emerges that I can make a case for the book for


    • #17
      Most of my bets are already on, so why do I watch those preview nights or just general tipsters on YouTube

      I always end up adding a few lines...just in case, I'll never learn


      • #18
        Originally posted by Hoofit View Post
        Most of my bets are already on, so why do I watch those preview nights or just general tipsters on YouTube

        I always end up adding a few lines...just in case, I'll never learn
        I used to do exactly the same, not so much anymore. Still the odd one slips through the net though.


        • #19
          I'd say my discipline these days is the biggest factor for my change in fortune betting AP for the Festival. Was a day when I'd be firing bullets all over the place and betting on every word of every tipster/pundit. Not now. Find a game plan and stick to it. Only bet horses YOU fancy and don't be put off by what others say. If you lose make sure you only blame yourself and not others.

