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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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What's everybody's plans for a Cheltenham Festival behind closed doors?

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  • This year will feel totally strange as for the past ten years I have in some capacity worked in a betting shop so my plans for this year will be
    Tuesday morning get up around 8am go for a walk pick up racing post some light exercise and then settle down for the racing. Around 4pm look in total amazement as yet another horse I think can't lose finishes down the field. Then console myself with a cuppa and safe in the knowledge that my wife has picked at least a winner or two.
    repeat for the rest of the week, also repeat for Royal Ascot and Glorious Goodwood


    • Originally posted by nortonscoin200 View Post
      My Cheltenham Festival plan.

      1. Blag my way through the garden gate at about 11.15am each day using one of last year's badges - put on that I'm-a-bit-gaga-and-too-old-to-be-a-fraudster look. Works every time.

      2. Head straight to the Arkle Bar (garden shed) where several bottles of Guinness have been left in plant pots. Face-time a racing pal who is also supping Guinness in his garden shed and talk form.

      3. Pop over to the Tommy Atkins bar (kitchen) where you conveniently left a ready-made meal (maybe an Indian curry or Moussaka) cooking in the microwave.

      4. Return to the Arkle Bar (shed) to consume the food and down one more Guinness.

      5. Head over to the pre-parade ring (patio?/lawn?drive?garage?) to look at the runners in the first race. For added authenticity get a piece of rope and lay it on the ground in an oval shape. Cut pictures of race horses out of the paper (you have almost 7 weeks to prepare, no excuses). Put each picture on the ground, weighed down by a stone in case it's windy.

      6. Then back to the Arkle bar for one more Guinness.

      7. Return to the pre-parade ring (patio etc) which has now morphed into the parade ring. Examine horses and round up any strays.

      8. Time to find a good spot to watch the racing from. I always like watching from the lawn in front of the grandstand so I'll go and stand in the middle of the lawn with a pair of binoculars - having moved the TV into position facing the window or an open door so the race is visible from this vantage point with the aid of binoculars (don't get too close, that's cheating, bins must be used).

      Anyone who prefers to watch from the Grandstand can get a bucket and turn it upside-down to stand on. Use a garden bench (if available) if you have company.

      9. Watch race and rush over to the winners enclosure (patio) to cheer home the winner if you've backed it.

      10. Assuming you've got the winner walk over to the Golden Miller Champagne Bar (greenhouse) where a bottle of bubbly is waiting on ice in a watering can. If you've backed a loser it's back to the Arkle bar.

      11. Repeat this schedule six more times - and then again for the next 3 days.

      12. The Cheltenham Festival on a shoestring, what's not to like.

      13. Just to be on the safe side, plan a nearby hiding place where you can dodge the men in white coats just in case they turn up at some stage. Highly unlikely but you never know.
      If there ends up being a FJ awards ceremony at the end of the year, I want it on record that this is my vote for post of the year. Superb

