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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Content... Idea's!!!!

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  • Content... Idea's!!!!

    What would peiple like to see?

    The Cheltenham Zoom call came up this week....

    A Cheltenham preview?
    Weekly reviews?
    A podcast? Weekly podcasts?

    Literally any ideas anyone has, post them (or DM me).

    Anyone with a passion for something should let me know too.... even if they're shy - my inbox is open.

    My latest idea if the awards, which I created a thread for,.... but literally anything.... I'm open for any ideas to make this place grow

  • #2
    A zoom call would be a great idea.
    Previews, reviews, weekly magazine style - love it.
    And if you want a rash of new members (or voyeurs) then if you were to stick it up on YouTube then that’d do the trick!
    Would be great to propose a few people to go on and have a listen to. I’d propose Saxon Warrior and Spectre (Handicap Plots/Betting strategy), perhaps chaired by your good self Sir-Loaf or even thrown out to the masses albeit could be a free-for-all. And how about a final 4 or 8 in Geezers competition getting on a call and talking through their selections... albeit only if they were up for it.

    But Zoom absolutely, would be a market.


    • #3
      I think FJ is too Cheltenham focussed. Could do with diversifying into other areas.

      Have you thought about mud wrestling? Francesca Cumani v Vanessa Ryle would be my suggestion


      • #4
        Originally posted by Garrison Savannah View Post
        I think FJ is too Cheltenham focussed. Could do with diversifying into other areas.

        Have you thought about mud wrestling? Francesca Cumani v Vanessa Ryle would be my suggestion
        Lady Francesca does'nt do Mud Wrestling G. S . . She's a LADY !!!! , Jelly Wrestling is Fine though . .


        • #5
          Originally posted by Garrison Savannah View Post
          I think FJ is too Cheltenham focussed. Could do with diversifying into other areas.

          Have you thought about mud wrestling? Francesca Cumani v Vanessa Ryle would be my suggestion
          A terrible sentence followed by a truly brilliant sentence.

          Joking aside I like the diversifying into other areas idea. E.g., The Racing Forum vs here re Cheltenham is rubbish but their 'Big Race Discussion' thread distinguishes big races better than our general National Hunt section.

          Will say the cheltenham focus though should be off the roof now, weeks away, but maybe something to look at post Cheltenham.


          • #6
            Originally posted by charlie View Post

            A terrible sentence followed by a truly brilliant sentence.

            Joking aside I like the diversifying into other areas idea. E.g., The Racing Forum vs here re Cheltenham is rubbish but their 'Big Race Discussion' thread distinguishes big races better than our general National Hunt section.

            Will say the cheltenham focus though should be off the roof now, weeks away, but maybe something to look at post Cheltenham.
            Spot on. A weekly thread or pod concentrating on the next weekends racing might be an idea.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Garrison Savannah View Post
              Have you thought about mud wrestling? Francesca Cumani v Vanessa Ryle would be my suggestion
              It is impossible to exaggerate how much I would support this...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Garrison Savannah View Post
                I think FJ is too Cheltenham focussed. Could do with diversifying into other areas.

                Have you thought about mud wrestling? Francesca Cumani v Vanessa Ryle would be my suggestion
                You need to think bigger!
                get a bigger pit for them to wrestle in and throw in a few extra particapants! Rebecca Curtis to start with!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KingSprinterSacre View Post

                  You need to think bigger!
                  get a bigger pit for them to wrestle in and throw in a few extra particapants! Rebecca Curtis to start with!
                  Rebecca Curtis now we are talking! Lovely girl!


                  • #10
                    Hate to be "that guy" but I'm going to be "that guy".

                    As a man with male attributes, I enjoy using said using said attributes with other people as much as the next bloke (asexual people notwithstanding). In the right company, I also enjoy discussing such matters in a free and imaginative manner. But I do wonder if such open discussions are entirely appropriate on a public forum. While many people, male and female, are perfectly at ease in such an environment, there will also be a sizable number who are not and it would be a shame for potential contributors to feel like this is not a place for them.

                    To this end, might it be an idea to have a members' "weighing room" as a place to contain such conversation? You could even have a women's one where people could discuss hunks or hypothetical swordfights or whatever. Plus, if the establishment of a designated boys club leads to more actual women coming onto the main boards then that can only be a good thing...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Big Bucks View Post

                      Rebecca Curtis now we are talking! Lovely girl!
                      Oh aye, big time. Would be happy enough to come out alive but what a way to go if not.


                      • #12
                        Wet t-shirt competitions, foxy boxing and pillow fights in some lovely lingerie would also be possible ideas. Just to be clear I am also talking about rebecca curtis and francesca cumani, not members of this forum.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Kotkijet View Post
                          Hate to be "that guy" but I'm going to be "that guy".

                          As a man with male attributes, I enjoy using said using said attributes with other people as much as the next bloke (asexual people notwithstanding). In the right company, I also enjoy discussing such matters in a free and imaginative manner. But I do wonder if such open discussions are entirely appropriate on a public forum. While many people, male and female, are perfectly at ease in such an environment, there will also be a sizable number who are not and it would be a shame for potential contributors to feel like this is not a place for them.

                          To this end, might it be an idea to have a members' "weighing room" as a place to contain such conversation? You could even have a women's one where people could discuss hunks or hypothetical swordfights or whatever. Plus, if the establishment of a designated boys club leads to more actual women coming onto the main boards then that can only be a good thing...
                          Fair enough... I will forever picture you now in the Right to censor uniform.


                          • #14
                            maybe like a triathlon event the week before Cheltenham. Chess, Poker followed up with a small tipping competition for each day of the festival 1 horse a day
                            Long bitcoin, long gold, long silver, long g/s opening day Cheltenham Festival


                            • #15
                              I think Kevloaf might be as disappointed as he's ever been on how a thread he's started has regressed.

                              Know your audience KEV

                              I've fucking loved it so far, carry on.

