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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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  • #16
    Originally posted by Kotkijet View Post
    Now there's an idea for zoom. Fat jockey jousting. May the best weapon win!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Quevega View Post
      I think Kevloaf might be as disappointed as he's ever been on how a thread he's started has regressed.

      Know your audience KEV

      I've fucking loved it so far, carry on.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Big Bucks View Post

        Fair enough... I will forever picture you now in the Right to censor uniform.
        Am I the former porn star, the former pimp, or whatever Bull Buchanan was supposed to be? (also, was that the first time Stevie Richards actually had his own gimmick?)

        I'm not averse to banter and whatnot and think it's mostly harmless in the right context. But there are also names being mentioned of people who are someone's sister/mother/daughter/friend etc. If people are happy with others talking about their own loved ones in such a fashion on a public forum then fair play. But in a lot of instances, there are reasons why someone might be taken aback...


        • #19
          Definitely think a zoom call with a possible panel would be a great idea


          • #20
            A weekly podcast would be brilliant. The Final Furlong is awful now, RP Postcast is a bit stale and I cant stand Keith Melrose or the bookies reps. A bookie free Pod featuring some of the many experts from here would be the best idea IMO. Not just festival chat but also a look at the big races of the weekend either a review of and/or previews with horses to note etc.


            • #21
              Maybe a panel of three or four of our more esteemed members, taking questions, with a few weeks to go to Cheltenham. Will be a blessing after weeks of rubbish from some of the preview nights.


              • #22
                ....presume this is a ‘think tank’ where ideas can be quickly considered and/or dismissed.

                How about a paywall behind which members can access Scooby’s Festival suggestions/thoughts (not his daily tips). It would be a valuable addition to the site, as well as facilitating and increasing the profile Scooby’s Festival selections.

                Members could decide for themselves whether they want access to a very useful source.
                Last edited by Eggs; 17 January 2021, 02:16 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Kotkijet View Post
                  Hate to be "that guy" but I'm going to be "that guy".

                  As a man with male attributes, I enjoy using said using said attributes with other people as much as the next bloke (asexual people notwithstanding). In the right company, I also enjoy discussing such matters in a free and imaginative manner. But I do wonder if such open discussions are entirely appropriate on a public forum. While many people, male and female, are perfectly at ease in such an environment, there will also be a sizable number who are not and it would be a shame for potential contributors to feel like this is not a place for them.

                  To this end, might it be an idea to have a members' "weighing room" as a place to contain such conversation? You could even have a women's one where people could discuss hunks or hypothetical swordfights or whatever. Plus, if the establishment of a designated boys club leads to more actual women coming onto the main boards then that can only be a good thing...
                  Who else has seen this filth?

                  Let’s stop degrading women, please. Let’s have a laugh with them, not at them.

                  So. Many. Quotes.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Kotkijet View Post

                    Am I the former porn star, the former pimp, or whatever Bull Buchanan was supposed to be? (also, was that the first time Stevie Richards actually had his own gimmick?)

                    I'm not averse to banter and whatnot and think it's mostly harmless in the right context. But there are also names being mentioned of people who are someone's sister/mother/daughter/friend etc. If people are happy with others talking about their own loved ones in such a fashion on a public forum then fair play. But in a lot of instances, there are reasons why someone might be taken aback...
                    Has to be the leader stevie Richards! I loved him in ECW, think wwf didn't use him as much as they could. Had a good rivalry with raven back in the ecw days on Bravo when I was a kid.

                    Yeah so form your stable!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Kotkijet View Post
                      Hate to be "that guy" but I'm going to be "that guy".

                      As a man with male attributes, I enjoy using said using said attributes with other people as much as the next bloke (asexual people notwithstanding). In the right company, I also enjoy discussing such matters in a free and imaginative manner. But I do wonder if such open discussions are entirely appropriate on a public forum. While many people, male and female, are perfectly at ease in such an environment, there will also be a sizable number who are not and it would be a shame for potential contributors to feel like this is not a place for them.

                      To this end, might it be an idea to have a members' "weighing room" as a place to contain such conversation? You could even have a women's one where people could discuss hunks or hypothetical swordfights or whatever. Plus, if the establishment of a designated boys club leads to more actual women coming onto the main boards then that can only be a good thing...
                      Very fair point Kotki,

                      We don’t want to descend into a place that the “locker-room jocks” control for their own enjoyment.

                      Have a “banter” thread if needs be, away from the serious racing stuff.

                      We don’t want to be in a men-only place, surely. like the “Bryony-baiters” seem to want, whoever they are.
                      "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Eggs View Post
                        ....presume this is a ‘think tank’ where ideas can be quickly considered and/or dismissed.

                        How about a paywall behind which members can access Scooby’s Festival suggestions/thought (not his daily tips). It would be a valuable addition to the site, as well as facilitating and increasing the profile Scooby’s Festival selections.

                        Members could decide for themselves whether they want access to a very useful source.

                        Site Sponsorship and easy direct links where i would pay a percentage revenue to support the ongoing work and costs of Fat Jockey, would be no issue.

                        However I would have to manage my own subscriptions on my own site, just for the simple reason that i have tracking software to make sure its the same IP Address etc... as Members who have purchased the subscription and T&C'S which apply to my site. That's why i change passwords every so often, so when it flags up i can make 100% sure i have removed the right account...
                        Last edited by Scooby91; 17 January 2021, 02:29 PM.
                        Use code "FJ" in your sign up name for bonus content!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Saxon Warrior View Post

                          Very fair point Kotki,

                          We don’t want to descend into a place that the “locker-room jocks” control for their own enjoyment.

                          Have a “banter” thread if needs be, away from the serious racing stuff.

                          We don’t want to be in a men-only place, surely. like the “Bryony-baiters” seem to want, whoever they are.
                          The problem with offending someone, is there will always be someone who is offended or gets upset by something.

                          And it can also be argued that it's sexist to think women don't have banter or talk about men in a sexual way also.
                          There are many examples of double standards with this.

                          It's funny to many and socially acceptable to see an 80 year old lady say a 21 year old man is a bit of alright and that she could teach him a few things, but unsettling and deemed unacceptable if it's the other way around.

                          Some women will be fine (even flattered) with being talked about as potential mud wrestlers, and others not so much.

                          Would I be offended if someone talked about my wife, mother or daughter mud wrestling ? (all at the same time might be an issue , as is imagining it as I type )

                          Why would I ?
                          If it's not real or intended to offend, and not spoken in a hateful context, it simply doesn't offend me.

                          I do appreciate Kotkiijet's original sentiment though, and yours too.

                          But it's not like people were talking about abusing women or degrading them, and promoting that this would be ok.
                          Might have been the odd hint though


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Quevega View Post

                            The problem with offending someone, is there will always be someone who is offended or gets upset by something.

                            And it can also be argued that it's sexist to think women don't have banter or talk about men in a sexual way also.
                            There are many examples of double standards with this.

                            It's funny to many and socially acceptable to see an 80 year old lady say a 21 year old man is a bit of alright and that she could teach him a few things, but unsettling and deemed unacceptable if it's the other way around.

                            Some women will be fine (even flattered) with being talked about as potential mud wrestlers, and others not so much.

                            Would I be offended if someone talked about my wife, mother or daughter mud wrestling ? (all at the same time might be an issue , as is imagining it as I type )

                            Why would I ?
                            If it's not real or intended to offend, and not spoken in a hateful context, it simply doesn't offend me.

                            I do appreciate Kotkiijet's original sentiment though, and yours too.

                            But it's not like people were talking about abusing women or degrading them, and promoting that this would be ok.
                            Might have been the odd hint though

                            It's a slippery slope.

                            If the forum wants to go down it.
                            "Journeys to Glory, breathing in his head".


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Saxon Warrior View Post

                              It's a slippery slope.

                              If the forum wants to go down it.
                              Slippy Wet Mud.
                              Yes please.


                              • #30
                                Matters of ethics and morality are not universal or rigid so indeed, anything that anybody says has the potential to upset somebody somewhere. I think that is why I feel like there are times and places for certain subjects of discussion. Naturally, you will get some people who will go out of their way to find something to fuel their own righteous indignation, and I don't think that a zeitgeist ought to be sanitised for those uninterested in relevant areas. Using this forum as an example, I think it would be pointlessly antagonistic for a bunch of vegans to come onto these boards to wax lyrical about how they feel horse racing is cruel just as it would for horse racing fans to go onto a vegan recipe board to decry them all as fascists. There are places where such matters can be debated in good faith, but a thread about Gordon Elliott's plot horses or another about almond stuffed courgettes would not be such a setting.

                                Insofar as certain members of certain groups having different sensitivities, just because some sections are fine with risque humour, does not mean that all are. Using myself as an example, I happen to walk with a very distinctive limp due to a disability I have had since childhood. Personally, I am confident enough to know that any slights on me based on my appearance are generally down to insecurity on the part of the offender and render me feeling more pity for the antagonist than personal upset. I can also find humourous caricatures truly hilarious if done correctly, and the way South Park portray Jimmy is nothing short of genius. Furthermore, one of my closest friends is Jewish and we often joke in private about who would have been first in the purges and so forth. However, I do not speak for all disabled people and my friend does not speak for all Jews. While we might be able to engage in self-deprecating humour, there will be many others for whom their afflictions are the source of great and harrowing pain. For this reason, I am perfectly content for such humour to exist in areas where one can actively seek same.

                                Notwithstanding, I do not think it is unreasonable to suggest that some consideration is in order. If someone just wants to talk about the historical trends of a Cheltenham handicap, they do not need to have the objectification of women thrust in their faces. Especially as many women have suffered unimaginable indignities due to their being objectified. If someone went into a largely benign banter thread and began moralising, then that would probably be out of place. But in general open discourse unrelated to such boisterousness, I am of the opinion that the right to dignity outweighs the right to offend.

                                The question of gendered double standards is one I once found myself on one side, but have switched to another. If an elderly woman wanted to have her way with me then I am unlikely to feel threatened as I would be physically capable of withstanding her uninvited advances. But a woman might have a more difficult time withstanding an imposing man, be that for physical capabilities or strength of individual will. Again, not every situation is the same and the outcome depends on the context and variables. But on a broad level, the reason why women are more likely to feel uncomfortable in this situation is due to either a direct impact, or one that reaffirms the dynamic of a previous experience.

                                On a slightly different note, I am not keen on women objectifying men or anybody objectifying anybody for that matter. Granted, a lot of it can come from self-esteem and that is ultimately the responsibility of the individual. But unfortunately, we live in a commercialised society where the idea of image is exaggerated and bombarded ad nauseum. Fighting against a very powerful advertising culture is difficult when its very purpose is to make one feel insecure. Despite my mechanical and aesthetic disability, I am very confident in my body and when I am fighting fit, my body fat is usually around 10% and my stamina is such that I destroyed the bleep test when I was at horsey college, even though my opponents were considerably younger and one or two are likely to become jockeys. But it pains me to see so many people lament that they are not built like a rugby player or a heptathlete. Especially as most people are much less fussy when it comes to their partner's appearance than ad agencies and magazines would have us believe.

                                Anyways, I've rather lost track of where I am going with this and the preview for tomorrow's twenty runner maiden hurdle is probably going to be quite short! But in the spirit of open and honest discussion, this is my case, as it stands, for keeping the objectification of women (and men) away from the main boards and in a place where such behaviour is less likely to harm others.

