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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Request-a-Bets (was 'Sky Bets' thread)

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  • Originally posted by Faugheen_Machine View Post
    Is Trump still seen as a certainty by you HF? I can't say I'm massively into politics, especially American politics, but I was under the impression he'd made a mess of their response to the Covid outbreak and therefore assumed he'd be under pressure to get re-elected.
    You may be underestimating the number of idiots that reside over there, people who understand nothing but believe Trump represents them more than any 80 year old upper class candidate.
    I see today hospitals reporting huge increase in people ingesting detergent, tells you all the need to know about the general US public...


    • Originally posted by somer1 View Post
      Been doing well on the USA racing. Not had to fund mine or my partners account in weeks.Just backing one account on the Monday and the other on the Tuesday.
      I started off o.k at Gulfstream , Somer , then Sha tin .
      but it all went pear shaped last week !! , But like a good Citizen.
      I'm off to Gulfstream again tonight .


      • Originally posted by Quevega View Post
        If Trump wins the next election.
        And they allow travellers to the US from the UK.
        I'll be famous.
        I Would seriously give my life to take that twats life.
        I'd probably just settle for calling him a Cunt on live TV though (more do-able too)
        I'm Sure he would take it as a Compliment Q .


        • Originally posted by Faugheen_Machine View Post
          Is Trump still seen as a certainty by you HF? I can't say I'm massively into politics, especially American politics, but I was under the impression he'd made a mess of their response to the Covid outbreak and therefore assumed he'd be under pressure to get re-elected.
          In short, yes.

          Biden is a horrific candidate, he has absolutely no online presence which is even more important than before with the lockdown stopping rallies etc. Where as Trump has a big online presence.

          Trump won the rust belt on the back of bringing back jobs that they had lost under Obama, Biden as his VP does not bode well in those key states.
          Biden also polled poorly in some states that Trump will think he can flip and focus on, for me he won the nomination by default as there is not a single positive candidate for the Dems.

          He also has a sexual assault case looming and can barely string two sentences together without getting confused.


          • HF - why is it to be a US presidential candidate you have to be 75 years old ?


            • Originally posted by Hurricane fly View Post
              for me he won the nomination by default as there is not a single positive candidate for the Dems.
              Bernie would have given Trump plenty to think about, but the Democrat establishment did what it does best and rallied around the one remaining centrist they could beat Bernie with. Before Super Tuesday Bernie was around 6/4 and Biden around 12s on the exchange.


              • Originally posted by Rhinestone_Cowboy View Post
                Bernie would have given Trump plenty to think about, but the Democrat establishment did what it does best and rallied around the one remaining centrist they could beat Bernie with. Before Super Tuesday Bernie was around 6/4 and Biden around 12s on the exchange.
                I think Bernie is too far left and that moderates would have either stayed at home or flipped. They are in a race to please the vocal minority and if the republicans can find someone in the next 4 years who is competent then they could be destroying their party from within.

                Biden saying his VP will be a woman shows this, no consideration for qualifications etc. Just gender.

                RC would fully agree with you about the Dems doing everything they can to avoid Bernie.

                Ista - my only thought is their senators cling to power for as long as they can that it’s hard for up and comers to do anything to get name recognition.

                Anyway really hoping this gamble pays off, have been thinking about it for quite a while but still a big risk doing almost my whole book on it


                • I just cannot fathom why the Democratic Party continue to put forward dreadful candidates. Hillary Clinton was lame and Joe Biden is brain dead!! Rich Ricci must be there campaign manager!!


                  • Wouldn’t be so confident chaps. Biden is polling better despite clearly showing signs of dementia. Corona may significantly help him as well as he won’t have to make so many public appearances which will show up his health. However, I’d expect Trump to show him up in the debates. Long way to go but wouldn’t say it’s as cut and dry as the posts above would have you believe. However, as much as Trump is a plonker I hope he wins as he will be significantly better than a man suffering from dementia.


                    • How would you price it at the moment Vautour ?


                      • Don’t know enough about the polling data to give a decent judgment. I hadn’t looked at the prices until today and thought Trump at 10/11 was a good bet initially, based on how poor a candidate Biden is.

                        However, looking at the polling data it doesn’t look so good but I don’t know what historical trends are like this far out.


                        • ...Allaho - King George/Ryanair double 100-1.


                          • If he wins the King George he'll go for the Gold Cup. In any case, Kemboy wins the King George and Allaho wins the Savills.


                            • Why would he come over for a King George tilt with riches galore in Ireland at Christmas...


                              • Very few Irish horses come over to Britain during the Christmas period. Footpad was a rare surprise last Christmas but most race in the Irish fixtures.

