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Request-a-Bets (was 'Sky Bets' thread)

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  • Originally posted by That Horse View Post

    The win any race markets for Cheltenham 22 at WH are up on their app now, multiples can't be selected unfortunately, it's not giving me the option of doing any doubles, etc
    There's a message on the website saying to contact customer services for doubles, although at these prices I can't see myself doing that...


    • Odds are worse than sky, I think they took a hiding on Cheltenham 21 and are being ultra cautious this year.


      • Originally posted by Kautostar View Post
        Odds are worse than sky, I think they took a hiding on Cheltenham 21 and are being ultra cautious this year.
        I don't think WH is that bothered in all honesty, the UK bit of the business is due to be sold off once the new owners takeover, so there isn't much incentive for them to offer up decent odds with all that in the background.

        Other than the new customer sign up offer, I don't know what WH is that useful for, especially seeing those win any race odds......


        • I can’t imagine they’ll be taking many bets at those odds. Not a single piece of value. I’d hold off making any requests for a while and hope that they push a few prices out and offer bigger odds nearer the start of the season.


          • Originally posted by Kautostar View Post
            Odds are worse than sky, I think they took a hiding on Cheltenham 21 and are being ultra cautious this year.
            Opened a WH account after The Fest this year to get in on the anyrace multis and it looks like there telling me to F.R.O. (fook right off) As well.
            Just might knock all race betting on the head till sept as a F.R.O To them back.
            Would rather sleep on the money under the mattress as the banks give you fook all in interest


            • Originally posted by Kautostar View Post
              Odds are worse than sky, I think they took a hiding on Cheltenham 21 and are being ultra cautious this year.

              .....not sure that’s exactly true, some prices are bigger with Hills than Sky. Might be worth doing a comparison table to more accurately determine.

              Also, it’s early days so there might still be decent odds to pick when more get added.


              • Originally posted by Eggs View Post

                .....not sure that’s exactly true, some prices are bigger with Hills than Sky. Might be worth doing a comparison table to more accurately determine.

                Also, it’s early days so there might still be decent odds to pick when more get added.
                The ones that people will want this for sky are bigger....

                bob olinger 3/1 sky - 7/4 hills
                kilcruit 3/1 sky - 5/2 hills
                Sir gerhard 11/4 sky - 2/1 hills
                journey with me 9/1 sky - 7/1 hills
                jonbon 7/1 sky - 5/1 hills

                To be honest the sky prices are stingy enough, hills are just taking the P


                • My god, hills are making sky look positively generous !


                  • The Bob Olinger (AR), Sir Gerhard (SNH) and Telmesomethinggirl (MNH) 200-1 RAB treble has been slashed to 125-1 by Sky.


                    • This one might appeal to a few:

                      Appreciate It, Bob Olinger and Kilcruit to win any race, Galopin des Champes and Stattler to place in any race. 250/1


                      • Thought the Echoes In Rain, Energumene & My Drogo all TWAR is interesting, not pulled the trigger on it yet though.


                        • Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
                          This one might appeal to a few:

                          Appreciate It, Bob Olinger and Kilcruit to win any race, Galopin des Champes and Stattler to place in any race. 250/1
                          All 5 to make it to Cheltenham 1000/1


                          • Originally posted by Lobos View Post

                            All 5 to make it to Cheltenham 1000/1
                            You're starting to get the hang of fudge factors then.


                            • Originally posted by archie View Post

                              You're starting to get the hang of fudge factors then.
                              Yep......2 Horses yep, 3 horses ummmmm maybe, 4 and above.......Fudge.


                              • The fudge factor is an accumulator just like the bet.

