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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Fat Jockey Patrons

HELP US - Become a Patron - Fat Jockey is a horse racing community focused on all the big races in the UK and Ireland. We don't charge users but if you have found the site useful then any support towards the running costs is appreciated ... a small donation each month would be a huge contribution.
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  • Thank-you...

    It's just turned 1am and I've only just realised I've not had any rum today (which is disappointing as I'm off tomorrow ).

    I anticipate tomorrow will be very busy on here, which is absolutely fantastic - and I just wanted to thank each and every one of you that has taken the time to contribute over the past 12 months to make this forum what it is!

    This year has without a doubt been the most active that I've seen and for the overwheming majority of the time, this has been a superb place to discuss horses chances, make cases, give and get advice, "think-out-loud", read people's betting strategies and have also, have a good laugh!

    I look forward to the community thriving again over the next 12 months, especially as we analyse our festivals which is always eye-opening and informative...

    ...and of course, I wish everybody the best of luck with their horses next week, whether that is a punter, owner or fan

  • #2
    I echo your late night thoughts Kev and would too like to say a thankyou to you all.

    Good luck to everyone


    • #3
      I'm looking forward to getting into rums myself, and have a bottle of Ron Zacapa to open next time I have a home game

      Almost time for Xmas, and though I'm too busy for the whole week off, I'm hoping to manage the first two days. I'll probably be working very late the rest of the week to catch up, lol.

      Agree 100% on this forum being great for discussion, and it'a testament to its members how so many strong characters can disagree without getting too out of line. Almost unheard of nowadays

      Best of luck for the week, Kev & all!


      • #4
        Well said Kev

        Plenty of great discussion this year, from some outstanding contributors, along with a good bit of craic and wit.

        Best of luck to everyone for the week ahead - I've got pre-match nerves and it's only Monday morning!


        • #5
          Well said Kev mate, this forum has become like a family to me. Helped and supported me through the year hahaha. Thanks to all and keep up the fantastic work!


          • #6
            First post and it’s a thank you. Only discovered this site very recently, ever since it’s been my first port of call every time I get a spare minute! I’ll certainly look to contribute building towards Chelts20 (first thread at the weekend?!).
            Let’s hope we all get a bit of luck over the week.


            • #7
              .....I love my racing and have done for a very long time but I realise I know nothing compared to you guys. Many thanks for the knowledge, the discussion and the company.


              • #8

                Maybe this week though.

                Great to discuss racing here without the usual confirmation biases and jockey bashing. Long may it continue (from a new time zone)
                Last edited by mayo; 11 March 2019, 08:04 AM.


                • #9
                  Kev / All

                  This forum is head and shoulders above anything else which is out there. I have been an avid follower over the last few years but have only posted for the first time this year since giving up work. Hoping to become a more knowledgeable contributor for 2020.

                  Not long now until we find out whether PP is Certaintainty or a Pi##take but regardless I'm sure we shall have some fun finding out. The information imparted via this forum has been gold dust ( well let's hope so anyway) and some members have been exceedingly generous with the insights they have provided and also their time. All of this is very much appreciated.

                  Kev, many thanks for running this ship as it were and watching over all who sail in her (I'm sure she's a mare with a 7lb allowance....)


                  • #10
                    Cheers Kev, this forum is second to none. Some of the debates around certain horses have made cracking reading and really help me to form an opinion (was going to say I’m still a novice, but as it’s my second season on here guess it’s my first year in open company...haha).

                    I’m not a huge fan of the preview nights as I feel most of what they talk about was covered on here months ago and with greater insight. The biggest compliment I could pay to the forum is that without doubt I would much rather listen to a fair few of the regular posters on here (including yourself Kev, who by the way has done a fantastic job of keeping the forum ticking over).

                    Very best of luck everyone! Especially as if you’re lucky I will likely be too as I know there will be a fair amount of overlap ��


                    • #11
                      Screen time as sufficiently went up since finding this forum great craic good luck everyone let’s bang in the winners this week


                      • #12
                        Many thanks for all the information posted. Much appreciated.


                        • #13
                          Also a big thank you to OV for putting enough 50ps in the machine to make sure the place keeps running, can’t have been an easy job as the forum has grown pretty rapidly over the last 6 months


                          • #14
                            Cheers to all. Some great points of view. Good luck.


                            • #15
                              Echo that Kev, great place and some really outstanding info over the course of the season from many many posters

