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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Fat Jockey Patrons

HELP US - Become a Patron - Fat Jockey is a horse racing community focused on all the big races in the UK and Ireland. We don't charge users but if you have found the site useful then any support towards the running costs is appreciated ... a small donation each month would be a huge contribution.
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Merry Christmas

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  • #16
    Thank you all and have a good one.


    • #17
      I'm quite gutted about it all as my dad is very sick and it's likely to be his last one - but I'd have dealt with it better if the govt had had the courage to say that from the start (a la Merkel) rather than have it taken away from me.

      Thankfully my wife had done a back up shop in case we got stuck (worst case to have it on boxing day). So currently having to learn quite quickly how in the hell you cook partridge! But I've spent a fairt whack on the pinot and the gamay so that will surely mask me overcooking it to high hell!

      Try to have a good one Fat Jockeys. Mine's an Old Fashioned


      • #18
        Happy Christmas to everyone on here, this forum has really been a breath of fresh air to me since I joined a couple of weeks ago. And hopefully a few quid won by all


        • #19
          Merry Christmas all. This has undoubtedly been my favourite year on the forum - as well as the worst away from the forum.

          FJ plays a bigger role in our lives than we probably realise and for that I’m grateful.

          Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all.


          • #20
            Merry Christmas Everybody!

            It's clear that FJ has been a beacon of light shining through covid lockdowns so thanks to everyone for that.

            Hope there are plenty of festive winners - and perhaps a few roll-ups onto the Festival!


            • #21
              Cor Blimey !! , Christmas Already !! ..... Hope you all have a good one and stay safe ..
              ************* and Many Thank's to O.V . and All the Mod's and Big cheeses.
              Last edited by BigChaang; 22 December 2020, 07:24 PM.


              • #22
                Merry Christmas all....
                Two weeks off work and nowhere to go! At least there's plenty of sport on the box over the festive period.

                Stay safe everyone, drink plenty and be merry!


                • #23
                  Merry Christmas to everyone on the forum - really enjoyed the bonhomie and the jousts and look forward to more fun on these pages next year.

                  I raise a glass to salute you all.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Imperial Commander View Post
                    Hope there are plenty of festive winners - and perhaps a few roll-ups onto the Festival!
                    Alright, alright, calm down, we've all had a drink!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Jorvik View Post

                      Alright, alright, calm down, we've all had a drink!
                      Just the wan?


                      • #26
                        Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy 2021 to one and all.Ours will be quiet this year without any visits by family or seeing old friends . Were very lucky as me and the missus live in rural Sussex and are in Tier 2. We had a nice day out to Plumpton where I managed to back some winners tipped by Mattie Batchelor, that paid for lunch and vino.
                        Eat ,drink and be Merry for tomorrow we diet.... now back to the Port.


                        • #27
                          Happy Christmas all, I hope it’s as enjoyable as it can be in these restricted times. I’m working tonight and tomorrow night so hopefully will be refreshed enough to indulge and have a few drinks whilst watching the racing on Boxing Day. I hope you all win a load of money to start of the New Year on a high


                          • #28
                            Merry Christmas one and all.

                            FJ is one of the few things keeping me sane at the moment.
                            I hope you all have a wonderful few days and a successful 2021.


                            • #29

                              Enjoy the day


                              • #30
                                Merry Christmas All. Best Wishes

