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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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  • #91
    Originally posted by The King Pimm View Post

    I imagine Allmankind doing a St Calvados in the Footpad Arkle, going off in front too quickly and emptying up the hill like he did in the Triumph. My concern would be Shiskin going too early in pursuit and get picked off near the line by someone in behind. I can’t see Allmankind winning unless there is carnage in behind.
    Agreed. He doesn't interest me at all for the festival


    • #92
      Appreciate It for the Supreme.... i have a big single for the Ballymore, doubles with Shiskin/Envoi/Epatante/Monksfish/Sir Gerhard/Easysland all at big prices with decent returns... i've accepted the doubles cannot be replicated but i'll probably look to get a decent roll up on a single should he go that way.. even though that will still feel like a loss should he win


      • #93
        Zanahiyr - back him after his previous but one start on the day and didn't even occur to me he could be a Triumph Hurdle contender. Has subsequently wasted 12 points trying to get him rolled up. Probably a sign

        a) I won't be backing him more
        b) that he'll hose up


        • #94
          Originally posted by Lobos View Post

          Agreed. He doesn't interest me at all for the festival
          Allmankind is 4L clear of Shishkin IMO


          • #95
            Originally posted by Bigfish View Post

            Allmankind is 4L clear of Shishkin IMO
            Fair play. Get your money on whilst he's still a cracking price. Can't have him at all myself. Shishkin for me with Captain Guinness and Darver Star on better ground his biggest threat.


            • #96
              Hi LOBOS, firstly I like your style. Thanks for the response as I think that most forumites may have blocked me! Never mind I don't care as I'm not looking to be popular. Ive backed Darver Star as well in some multis. BE LUCKY


              • #97
                Originally posted by Bigfish View Post
                Hi LOBOS, firstly I like your style. Thanks for the response as I think that most forumites may have blocked me! Never mind I don't care as I'm not looking to be popular. Ive backed Darver Star as well in some multis. BE LUCKY
                And the same to you sir .


                • #98
                  I can’t find the e/w single I thought I had on Galliard Du Mensil for the Ballymore at 33’s!! I think I cashed it after Holymacapony’s latest flop and forgot to put it back on after GDM bolted up. I’ve been meaning to top up on it and since today’s Up the Ante the price has collapsed!!!! I’m gutted. It’s a kick up the arse to update my diary instead of having to search through online bets for hours on end to see if and when I cashed it.

                  New horse I need to cover is Galliard Du Mensil for Ballymore!!


                  • #99
                    The Shiskin / Envoi Allen double.

                    I haven’t missed it per se, as I do have the double twice. However, even added together I have just 1 point on, returning under 6.5pts...

                    I must win the Fat Jockey competition for least amount of points back should the Arkle and Marsh go the way that looks most likely....what a


                    • Originally posted by Garrison Savannah View Post
                      The Shiskin / Envoi Allen double.

                      I haven’t missed it per se, as I do have the double twice. However, even added together I have just 1 point on, returning under 6.5pts...

                      I must win the Fat Jockey competition for least amount of points back should the Arkle and Marsh go the way that looks most likely....what a
                      I think most people would settle for 6.5pts return ! Don't knock it.


                      • Envoi Allen - Didnt back him AP, and only have him in 1-2 trebles. Would have been nice to have had a big single on him but I went for Shiskin instead
                        Monksfish - Noted his potential as a Chaser, but for some reason I've left the RSA well clear, and happy to back on the day
                        Appreicate It - I fancy him now for the Supreme, I didnt a few months back.... so actually, I can't say I missed him

                        I should have had EA and Monkfish in a double at the start of the season, thats my biggest regret


                        • Originally posted by Lobos View Post

                          I think most people would settle for 6.5pts return ! Don't knock it.
                          It’s a learning curve for me - and another note to self that my antepost staking plan has been woeful this NH season.


                          • A Dom was say "winnings winning"


                            • Wished I'd had more on pretty much everything current fav as a single but we could all say that couldn't we ? It just never works out that way. You have to be content with how you've built your book and not have any regrets. Two or three of the 'Bankers' will inevitably not win and that will present people with surprise wins on horses they may have put a line through. Happens every year and will continue to happen.


                              • Originally posted by Garrison Savannah View Post

                                It’s a learning curve for me - and another note to self that my antepost staking plan has been woeful this NH season.
                                You can't possibly know that until after the Fez. You could be pleasantly surprised.

