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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade

Hello Fat Jockeys,

Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!:

We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Cheltenham 2019 Festival Going & Weather

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  • #76
    bits of rain and damp the last 2 days .. not very drying tbh. From where we are now I would say its almost soft ... there has been enough and no way its dried out . More forecast sat night (for which i wont be here so I cant help) ... but if the forecast is right for mon/tues you must be looking at soft ish. Its just damp the last few days and has been raining on and off - just like today,


    • #77
      I'm dreading the racecourse on the Tuesday if it rains.


      • #78
        The Met Office web site is saying it is going to piss down hard for ten hours prior to racing starting on Tuesday. Looks like it starts easing at about Noon.


        • #79
          Originally posted by BeauRanger View Post
          bits of rain and damp the last 2 days .. not very drying tbh. From where we are now I would say its almost soft ... there has been enough and no way its dried out . More forecast sat night (for which i wont be here so I cant help) ... but if the forecast is right for mon/tues you must be looking at soft ish. Its just damp the last few days and has been raining on and off - just like today,
          Is it forecast to be cold, wet and windy on the Tuesday Beau?


          • #80
            Mostly dry for the next 3 days it will start Good to Soft then fluctuate from the soft side to the good throughout the week imo!


            • #81
              Anything will be better than last year... I hope


              • #82
                No chance it’s anything near as bad as last year the snow lying on course prior to racing had it very dead!


                • #83
                  clear skys now but still damp from the showers. If i go out in my socks now its still wet - put it like that, Dry am tomorrow is the forecast (reminder I wont be here) but is forecast for rain from late tom afternoon to sunday morning. from then on and particularly monday its dry but monday is sunny but not warm. Then you will all be here anyway. Ill be back sunday night. Ill be here for the Monday night rain so will report as best I can


                  • #84
                    Rain now till Monday morning then a dry week would be perfect


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by FaugheenTheMachine View Post
                      Rain now till Monday morning then a dry week would be perfect
                      Don't think that's the forecast though Faugheen , I'm seeing Heavy rain for tuesday morning ,
                      on the bbc weather , then dry till friday and then light rain. ??.


                      • #86
                        When would the ground be officially declared for Tuesday?


                        • #87
                          Soft ground forecast for day 1


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by FaugheenTheMachine View Post
                            Rain now till Monday morning then a dry week would be perfect
                            Loads of rain last night, this morning and next week. If the forecast is accurate then it is due to rain Tue - Fri too. It's ideal for quite a few of my bigger bets but obviously nobody wants to stand watching racing in the pissing rain. That being said, the weather won't spoil my week. Buzzing


                            • #89
                              It’s very windy


                              • #90
                                There isn't that much rain predicted from the forecast in looking at (around 18mm, most of that Monday night / Tuesday morning) but I'm slightly concerned to see the wind speeds hitting 50mph. I couldn't handle a day being wiped out again.

