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The race that's giving you sleepless nights?

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  • The race that's giving you sleepless nights?

    So with roughly a month to go and antepost vouchers stuffed in every drawer, cupboard, strongbox and pocket, which is the race that's keeping you awake at night?

    Maybe because it's the race that pays you a fortune?
    Maybe it's because you're now worried about your 'good thing' changing target?
    Perhaps your selection hasn't had the prep you wanted?
    Has something else come out of the woodwork to scupper your best laid plans?

    For my part, it's the Ryanair. I stand to land a very nice accumulator if Monalee can deliver, but now everything seems to be conspiring against me.
    I'm now worried that the owners might force HDB into running in the Gold Cup. I'm also concerned about the Willie Mullins factor - whoever he runs will be a massive danger - Min or Footpad they said... Now we hear the names Kemboy and Al Boum Bloody Photo bandied about! Then Aso and Top Notch decide to look half decent. On top of that, apparently Sizing John could come here after an interrupted preparation. So much for the idea that the race might cut up!

    I was hoping he would run in the Irish Gold Cup and palpably not stay - but no - ground too quick. Now he might go to the Red Mills and have a really hard race!

    So, as you will appreciate there are many factors keeping me awake and if things go wrong... so be it - that's antepost for you. But... the one thing I dread above all else, is the thought that an act of God should scupper my lovely bet. Yes -the unthinkable! Waiting Patiently actually turns up and does Monalee on the line! That really would be too much to deal with.

  • #2
    Was about to say none of them, but I ain't really looked at handicaps yet, but no, we really should start a tread with my idea of the 28 winners. Personally, I have about eight winners in my mind, the rest will come to me over the next four weeks. Flu is kind of worrying me, but not enough to keep me awake.


    • #3
      The mares novice.
      Because I just can't have, that willie has nothing. With all the mares he has sat at home. But iv not a clue for certain who's the one. Hopefully allez dance comes out and bolts up. If not It's back to the drawing board

      The arkle.
      Because I genuinely believe that cilaos emery is different class. Every year iv been up for the entire festival by the end of the 2nd race. A win from cilaos emery and it will be business as usual
      Last edited by Scooby91; 9 February 2019, 08:42 PM.
      Use code "FJ" in your sign up name for bonus content!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Scooby91 View Post
        The mares novice.
        Because I just can't have, that willie has nothing. With all the mares he has sat at home. But iv not a clue for certain who's the one. Hopefully allez dance comes out and bolts up. If not It's back to the drawing board

        The arkle.
        Because I genuinely believe that cilaos emery is different class. Every year iv been up for the entire festival by the end of the 2nd race. A win from cilaos emery and it will be business as usual
        I know where you're coming from with those, scooby. I share your frustration with the Mares Novice but feel sure that something will appear from Willie's yard. We just need to keep the faith.
        Like you, the Arkle is a big race for me with Le Richebourg and Cilaos Emery running for good win and place money.


        • #5
          Wherever commander of fleet goes after the 66/1 DRF and Festival double


          • #6
            Still not over Annie Power falling at the last. Was on a life changing acca.


            • #7
              Originally posted by boopa View Post
              Still not over Annie Power falling at the last. Was on a life changing acca.
              Weren't we all mate!


              • #8
                Cause of causes last year I just can’t get over.... built a very big position on him gradually and lots of nice doubles... can’t even bare to think how much it would have been if he’d won....


                • #9
                  Personally every race gives me sleepless nights... I just can't


                  • #10
                    Top Notch is good and consistent but he wont win the Ryanair. I think he needs further these days. Will run into a place.


                    • #11
                      The Ballymore.

                      Because I may get totally out of control. When Champ wins.


                      • #12
                        If the 28-1 Cilaos Emery any race lands a profitable Cheltenham as well for me. Plus he and Le Richebourg are in a lot of my multibets, my sleepless nights are caused by Lalor getting up and winning the Arkle. What a lovely story that would make, indeed


                        • #13
                          In terms of bets to win it’s the 4 miler this year; have OK Coral and Ballyward covered to win a very nice amount, wake up expecting to see an injury or change of target for either
                          Last year it was Samcro; I had a big treble on Australia to win the Ashes, Rugby League World Cup and him to win the Ballymore so had a huge amount rolling on from December onwards, every morning was searching his name on Twitter incase of injury


                          • #14
                            Champion Hurdle
                            My refusal to back Buveur Dair as a single ante post bet but to bet doubles all year to have money running on, resulting in a potentially large return on BDair
                            Eggs all in one basket so have bet Apples Jade prior to DRF at 7/1 and Sharjah at 9/1

                            My nightmare
                            Laurina pips then all on the line


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Humble Pie View Post
                              Champion Hurdle
                              My refusal to back Buveur Dair as a single ante post bet but to bet doubles all year to have money running on, resulting in a potentially large return on BDair
                              Eggs all in one basket so have bet Apples Jade prior to DRF at 7/1 and Sharjah at 9/1

                              My nightmare
                              Laurina pips then all on the line
                              Now that's a nightmare I believe will happen, but wouldn't be 100%, so sleep well me friend!

