2.50ew Craigy15 please 20/1
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Crowdfunder - Fat Jockey Forum upgrade
Hello Fat Jockeys,
Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/fatjockeyforum
We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.
I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.
Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
Upgrading the Fat Jockey forum!: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/fatjockeyforum
We're looking to upgrade the 'hosting CPU' so I've set up a crowdfunding project.
I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access my project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.
Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Fat Jockey Patrons
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New Group outright odds
Group A:- Scooby - 6/4
- Joleg - 2/1
- BigChaang - 3/1
- Fatcatshat - 6/1
- SharpHat - 18/1
- The King Pimm - 20/1
- Al Boum Photo 3/1
- MiddleOfMarch - 3/1
- Taylorch1990 - 7/2
- SizingJohn - 9/2
- Chaser1980 - 9/2
- Bigfish - 25/1
- Craigy14 - 9/4
- ComplyOrDie - 5/2
- SalubriousChin - 3/1
- Crolwey113 - 13/2
- TheRowebott - 12/1
- Spectre - 18/1
- TigerRolllll - 2/1
- Ryan97 - 5/2
- Somer1 - 100/30
- Birds Nest - 7/1
- Dannycraigepirates - 10/1
- CantCatchMe - 16/1
- Kevloaf - 9/4
- Istabraq - 7/2
- Nortonscoin200 - 9/2
- Native River - 9/2
- OscarWhisky - 9/2
- Green Goddess - 25/1
- Archie - 5/2
- Charlie - 7/2
- OverTheLast - 7/2
- Penzance - 7/2
- Jonthehammer - 8/1
- Lobos - 18/1
- Jono - 5/2
- Big Bucks 11/4
- Captain Chris - 3/1
- Quevega - 5/1
- Rufus Flynn - 11/1
- Dandrew99 - 20/1
- Faugheen_Machine - 5/2
- Brital - 5/2
- Jorvik - 9/2
- Liammet - 9/2
- Imperial Commander - 11/2
- Smiley - 22/1
Gameweek 3 Match Heats:
Group A:
FatCatShat (4/5) v (Evens) SharpHat
Scooby91 (8/13) v (17/10) Big Chaang
Joleg (4/9) v (15/8) TheKingPimm
Group B:
Sizing John (8/11) v (11/10) Bigfish
Taylorch1990 (Evens) v (4/5) Middle_Of_March
Al Boum Photo (8/11) v (11/10) Chaser1980
Group C:
Craigy14 (4/5) v (Evens) Spectre
ComplyOrDie (4/6) v (11/8) Crolwey113
Salubrious Chin (7/10) v (11/10) TheRowebott
Group D:
Somer1 (8/11) v (11/10) Birds Nest
Dannycraigpirates (Evens) v (4/5) Can’tCatchMe
Ryanh97 (5/6) v (5/6) TigerRolllll
Group E:
Native River (4/7) v (6/4) Green Goddess
Istabraq (4/5) v (Evens) Oscar Whisky
Nortonscoin200 (7/5) v (8/13) Kevloaf
Group F:
Penzance (Evens) v (4/5) Charlie
Lobos (6/4) v (8/13) Jonthehammer
OverTheLast (11/10) v (8/11) Archie
Group G:
Big Bucks (5/6) v (5/6) Jono
Dandrew99 (6/4) v (4/7) Captain Chris
Quevega (8/13) v (11/8) RufusFlynn
Group H:
Smiley (11/8) v (4/6) Jorvik
Liammet (5/4) v (4/6) Faugheen_Machine
Imperial Commander (5/4) v (4/6) Brital
I’ll go ?5 Salibrious chin outright
?5 Tigerroll to win group
?20 matchday 3 Penzance to win again
- Likes 1
Gameweek 4 Match Heats:
Group A:
SharpHat (13/10) v (8/13) BigChaang
Scooby91 (1/3) v (11/4) TheKingPimm
FatCatShat (7/4) v (8/15) Joleg
Group B:
Bigfish (7/4) v (1/2) Middle_Of_March
Taylorch1990 (10/11) v (20/23) Chaser1980
SizingJohn (11/10) v(8/11) Al Boum Photo
Group C:
Spectre (4/5) v (Evens) Crolwey113
ComplyOrDie (8/15) v (13/8) TheRowebott
Craigy14 (4/5) v (Evens) Salubrious Chin
Group D:
Birds Nest (8/11) v (11/10) Can’tCatchMe
Dannycraigpirates (13/8) v (4/7) Tiger Rollll
Somer1 (11/10) v (8/11) Ryanh97
Group E:
Green Goddess (15/8) v (1/2) Oscar Whisky
Istabraq (5/6) v (5/6) Kevloaf
Native River (5/6) v (5/6) Nortonscoin200
Group F:
Charlie (8/15) v (7/4) Jonthehammer
Lobos (15/8) v (1/2) Archie
Penzance (4/5) v (Evens) OverTheLast
Group G:
Jono (8/13) v (11/8) Captain Chris
Dandrew99 (Evens) v (4/5) RufusFlynn
Big Bucks (5/6) v (5/6) Quevega
Group H:
Jorvik (11/8) v (4/6) Faugheen_Machine
Liammet (11/8) v (4/6) Brital
Smiley (7/5) v (20/27) Imperial Commander