Originally posted by Leman14
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One of the reasons I would look to back the specific targets rather than any race is:
- Backing the bigger prices (specific target) gives potential trading opportunities.
Now personally I won't have 'half stakes' on them both, I'd put the full stake on both (where cash out is available only)! So that I can end up with one 'proper bet'....however.....
In the question though you've referred to Any Race and Specific, and I did that with Appreciate It. He was 16/1 and whilst I thought that was the most likely target (and backed accordingly) I then went in and added the any race 10/1 price just in case I was wrong. It was sort of a safety net bet..... as if I'm right, it still is a fair enough price, but if I'm wrong, I'd still fancy him in one of the other races and therefore I wouldn't be gutted if I was wrong on the target.
That's the only reason I'd use a split stake between any race and a specific target.