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Upping the ANTE vs Kevloaf 2021

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  • #31
    GL does seem to be a nerd who wants as much information as possible. No way he has not come across this place.

    I also think there's very little chance he also hasn't backed Saint Roi at bigger prices. Yes he puts him up on the show at the price he is now but he's guaranteed to be on at bigger prices as well. Same as Kev.

    I actually think as the supposed "expert" Kev should just go up against him because he gets dragged down by DJ and would no doubt do better if say he has two picks this week.



    • #32


      • #33
        Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
        That's why I put it in quotations. His role on the show is the Paul Kealy type betting "expert" and DJ is merely the presenter like Dave Orton.



        • #34
          Can't understand why some people are knocking Upping The Ante - it's an entertaining and informative podcast.

          Gavin Lynch is a serious form student and his views on Irish racing in particularly cannot be dismissed lightly.

          He tipped up Bob Olinger for the 2021 Ballymore BEFORE the festival in March.

          As others have already mentioned, his stats in the latest episode were well worth a watch for anyone who uses this forum.

          He provided a first class numbers breakdown on Gordon and Willie, the success of Mullins French bred horses in particular and the trend towards novices winning handicaps at the Festival.

          Ok, much of that sort of info has already been posted on the forum - but so what.

          Lynch uses in-depth analysis to back up his arguments - and that is surely good to see.

          We can simply sift out what we want/agree with and use it as we see fit.

          In my book Lynch is in a different league to the likes of Paul Kealy.

          David Jennings is a very personable presenter and the pair make a great combination - Lynch playing the straight man to Jennings genial ribbing.

          I was chuckling within about 60 seconds of yesterday's episode - it's a good watch.

          And based on last season, I'll be surprised if Lynch in particular doesn't unearth at least one Festival gem at a decent price between now and March.

          Last edited by nortonscoin200; 11 November 2020, 11:06 AM.


          • #35
            Who is knocking it?

            My gripe is that it was cutting prices on horses that had been well tipped up for the main elsewhere.

            People then started backing the horses BECAUSE they'd been tipped and took even shorter prices.

            No issue about the entertainment, or how good Gavin Lynch is!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Eireman View Post

              That's why I put it in quotations. His role on the show is the Paul Kealy type betting "expert" and DJ is merely the presenter like Dave Orton.

              I'm more DJ than GL


              • #37
                Yes I prefer to listen to them than pretty much all the other podcasts etc.

                I can't imagine Gavin Lynch being bonkers enough to tip a 7 year old for the Ballymore with all the stats at hand for example!

                But I'm with Kev on relying trends buster Mullins, whose best trend to follow is that he'll bust a trend.
                Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more I sweat, the luckier I get.


                • #38
                  Most of the stuff they discuss is old news to a forum like this.
                  Especially the losers that are on it every day

                  But that's not their fault.
                  They are broadcasting for a wider audience who may be obsessed but not unhealthily obsessed.

                  There hands are tied with selections and prices also.
                  Which is why Kev is restricted accordingly (for this little duel)


                  • #39
                    When is the next one.

                    I'll provisionally put up Easywork RSA at 33/1 just in case they put it up and slash it


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
                      When is the next one.

                      I'll provisionally put up Easywork RSA at 33/1 just in case they put it up and slash it
                      not allowed

                      Be next tuesday. I'd imagine.
                      You can copy them and at same price if you wish. Even if it's cut.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
                        When is the next one.

                        I'll provisionally put up Easywork RSA at 33/1 just in case they put it up and slash it
                        They film it on a Tuesday afternoon and it goes out Tuesday evening so all prices they put up are correct when they are recording it Tuesday afternoon.


                        • #42
                          Ok cool.

                          I'm sure I'll remember anyway. I might even watch yesterdays


                          • #43
                            Has anyone seen the new Cheltenham tipping show on YouTube. ‘Ante Up’ Anybody care to take them on weekly


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by BookieBasher View Post
                              Has anyone seen the new Cheltenham tipping show on YouTube. ‘Ante Up’ Anybody care to take them on weekly
                              Strange selections. Banging on about tipping or backing ante post picks before get an entry then he puts up PP?

                              I actually clicked on a related video and 3 other lads on it, was actually pretty decent but alot of what they were saying would be said on here. I think this forum is hard to beat.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by BookieBasher View Post
                                Has anyone seen the new Cheltenham tipping show on YouTube. ‘Ante Up’ Anybody care to take them on weekly
                                I referenced it last week, Dave been wanting to do it for a while thou trying to be an obvious rip off of the original might not be the brightest idea.

