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Samcro late switch?

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  • Samcro late switch?

    I know it's along shot but it's possible that samcro could still switch to the supreme, the chances of heavy ground is now into 14-1 with pp, bet365 are a standout 14-1 nrnb for the race, I'll have to open an account tomorrow I think as if it does switch will probably be around 6-4

  • #2
    Would they prefer to get his butt kicked by Getabird or Next Destination?


    • #3
      Originally posted by archie View Post
      Would they prefer to get his butt kicked by Getabird or Next Destination?
      Doubt that!


      • #4
        Samcro @ 14's NRNB is the best NRNB you will ever see.


        • #5
          Samcro (Supreme) Getabird (Ballymore) - 89/1 NRNB double.

          Both switch


          • #6
            Don’t be saying this; I have sleepless nights about my antepost vouchers already


            • #7
              Sorry, but after everything that’s been said if there is a switch it’ll be on a par with Vautours late defection to the Ryanair...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
                Sorry, but after everything that’s been said if there is a switch it’ll be on a par with Vautours late defection to the Ryanair...
                I agree, but of all the people in the whole wide world, the one most likely not to give a shit is the one who said he's definitely going Ballymore.


                • #9
                  It's just an excellent marketing move by 365. Due to the hype around samcro alot of people far and wide know about him. If they diddb't have a 365 account they may well do now.

                  Free acquisitions
                  Use code "FJ" in your sign up name for bonus content!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Scooby91 View Post
                    It's just an excellent marketing move by 365. Due to the hype around samcro alot of people far and wide know about him. If they diddb't have a 365 account they may well do now.

                    Free acquisitions
                    And the chances are the returned stakes will be recycled rather than withdrawn.


                    • #11
                      14/1 nrnb is unbelievable value, especially after oleary said it could switch if soft ground which is looking increasingly likely


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CauseofCauses View Post
                        14/1 nrnb is unbelievable value, especially after oleary said it could switch if soft ground which is looking increasingly likely
                        The only concern is tying money up, other than that this is golden. Put as much on as your bookie allows


                        • #13
                          Good spot. 365 are one of the accounts I use most anyway, so no problem tying some funds up in a speculative NRNB at that price given I'll be able to use it on Day 2 at the latest!!


                          • #14
                            Imagine being loaded up at 14/1 and he makes the switch and bolts up. Would be a dream start to the week wouldn't it.


                            • #15
                              The point about bet365 was just an extra, just thought I'd let people know that Elliot did say that the only chance of going for the supreme was heavy ground, all things equal this is unlikely, however if the heavy snow hangs around and then get some heavy rain next weekend who knows?

