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Kevloaf @ Fat Jockey
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Cheltenham weather forecast

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  • #31
    Thank's Nick.


    • #32
      Photo on here


      • #33
        Originally posted by archie View Post
        Can already see a few green patches, I would imagine that it will be all gone by Monday morning, a few wet days but nothing special ahead, my guess would be good to soft on the soft side and will only get better by the end of the festival


        • #34
          Originally posted by archie View Post
          the drifts always make it look worse then it is!


          • #35
            I live in Surrey and was under 6inches off snow this morning (I'm a bloke so that 6 inches could be a bit less) but 9 hours later you wouldn't know it..

            I would not be taking evens on soft ground if it stays pretty dry this week..


            • #36
              Mapparently temps starting to rise tomorrow across the country. Just Cheltenham will do ��


              • #37
                People forget Cheltenham drains quickly


                • #38
                  Temperature was above zero most of the day yesterday here in Cheltenham. Snow is starting to turn to slush so should be all gone on few days. Clerk of the course said yesterday that the going will be soft for first day.


                  • #39
                    For what it's worth I don't mind soft ground as long as it's natural soft ground.
                    When clerks are forced to water it's impossible getting an even spread across the entire course, I walked it one year after a very dry spell and there were soft patches and good to firm patches, and where you get false ground it becomes dangerous.
                    So soft ground from natural irrigation will be fine...


                    • #40
                      Interesting update from Simon Claisse on Luck on Sunday. Currently soft, good to soft in places but with the further rain and snow drift effect, we may be looking at heavy in the going next weeeknd. Apparently 1cm of snow is the equivalent of 1mm of rain. Some of the fences have drifts of over a metre hence the importance to get them shifted!


                      • #41
                        Is it mean't to rain but only lightly for the next 9 days and temps around 8/10 degrees.. They have a team of 40/50 working on the course, I would be bowled over if it was heavy, I would still bet Good/Soft but on the softer side... two sunny days with only very light rain and it will be good to soft and soft in places me thinks....


                        • #42
                          It's likely to be fairly breezy too which, when the snow is shifted, will help dry the ground...


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
                            It's likely to be fairly breezy too which, when the snow is shifted, will help dry the ground...
                            I live in a hilly part of surrey and as soon as the sun comes out even with light rain the ground drys out so quickly. I wouldn't put my house on it that it will be good/soft but I am nearly 100% it will not be anywhere near heavy..


                            • #44
                              Nice sunny spring day yesterday here in Cheltenham. All the snow has gone so it's all ready for next week. Apparently we are due some heavy rain at end of this week so that will determine whether the ground will be soft or good to Soft come Tuesday.


                              • #45
                                Cheers for the updates, got to pray for not too much rain now

