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Ground of the festival?

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  • #16
    I think the going was heavy for Trials Day BF but it hasn’t been deeper than soft since.
    It hasn’t been wet either.
    There are showers forecast over the next 10 days but no significant rainfall so even when the snow/frost disappears I can’t see the ground bein testing, dead maybe.
    The issue is air temperature as there’s no grass growth...


    • #17
      Claisse quoted yesterday saying not worried good to soft all round at the moment.


      • #18
        Despite the Beast From The East starting to bite into the racing programme, Cheltenham clerk of the course Simon Claisse is feeling upbeat with the Festival due to kick off in two weeks' time.

        He is expecting cold conditions at Prestbury Park in the coming days, but reports the long-range forecast to be favourable at this stage.

        He told Racing UK: "Undoubtedly this cold spell of weather that's coming from the east is heading our way Temperatures have been down to minus 5C so far on the track this week, we expect those to go down to minus 7C or minus 8C. We've not covered the course because there's some significant snowfall forecast on Thursday and Friday.

        "Beyond that, it's looking as though the weather will turn considerably less cold, with rain coming in possibly Sunday or Monday next week with temperatures slowly going upwards.

        "It's a long way off at the moment, but there are some strong signals that come a fortnight at the beginning of the Festival, we will be into a mild airflow."

        Gd to soft for the supreme 1/5
        Use code "FJ" in your sign up name for bonus content!


        • #19
          That's what i just Love about this Forum !, I just posted in the ryanair chs thread , mainly about the weather, As i always start at
          the bottom of the page and work upwards , I have only just seen this thread ,
          Always someone ahead of the game !!.


          • #20
            Paddy power just made Good to soft 4/11 was 1/6 a few hours ago. Soft ground now 2/1


            • #21
              If there's anyone in the country betting odds on on what the weather forecast will be in 2 weeks time then they need locking up for their own benefit


              • #22
                I'm usually rubbish at predicting the going. But this year i think Good to Firm Heavy in places looks a good bet


                • #23
                  I wouldn't consider placing a bet on the weather, but it certainly not affect I bet at the festival. I have a formula I worked to, which has given me some great returns, but all based on goodish ground. I am doubtful it will be goodish come 13th. I have certainly taken a back seat until the middle of next week.


                  • #24
                    My grammar is just dreadful!!!


                    • #25
                      There’s not a deluge of rain forecast which is good. That’s one thing they could maybe spot a few weeks out. Given the lack of rain I can’t see it would be any worse than good to soft, soft in places for the majority of the festival. Might inconvenient the proper good ground horses but the cream should still rise to the top if ground no worse than that


                      • #26
                        Anyone a bit worried by the expected frosts across the country during the middle of march?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Middle_Of_March View Post
                          Anyone a bit worried by the expected frosts across the country during the middle of march?
                          That would be the main worry for me, still seeing temperatures below 0 on any 14/16 day forecast


                          • #28
                            Get the detailed weather forecast for Cheltenham Racecourse. Access 10 day and 16 day views, maps, meteograms and timelines for accurate predicitions.
                            The owls are not what they seem


                            • #29
                              Nice one.

                              People seem to be overlooking the fact that this storm could have easily happened two weeks later and we would have all been screwed. I for one am delighted the beast from the east hit this week and practically skipped to work having watched the morning weather where it basically said 'baltic this week, returning to 7/8 degrees next week'. Lovely


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by charlie View Post
                                Nice one.

                                People seem to be overlooking the fact that this storm could have easily happened two weeks later and we would have all been screwed. I for one am delighted the beast from the east hit this week and practically skipped to work having watched the morning weather where it basically said 'baltic this week, returning to 7/8 degrees next week'. Lovely
                                Without being too melodramatic... I think I'd break down if the festival was cancelled.

                                Every now and again I see results and obviously the 2001 was ommited... and I just can't even contemplate that feeling.
                                I suppose that was known well well in advance?

