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Cheltenham: General Predictions

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  • Cheltenham: General Predictions

    The Gaulstats website has a general trends section ( - I thought it would be worth adding a general Cheltenham predictions thread looking at owners/jockeys/trainers (or whatever you like). I wouldn't expect this to impact the horses people back, but it might be useful/interesting to see what people collectively think. I'l start (I appreciate a few of these are quite likely predictions):

    Trainer: Henderson to train the most winners
    Trainer: Jessica Harrington to train 3 winners
    Trainer: Gordon Elliot to train more winners than Willie Mullins
    Trainer: Donald McCain to train his first winner since Cinder's & Ashes (been 5 years since his last fez)
    Trainer: Kayley Woollacott to train a winner (wouldn't that be fantastic)
    Trainer: Hobbs, Tizzard & King no winners
    Owner: Rich Ricci not to have winner
    Owner: JPM most winning owner
    Jockey: Richard Johnson to have a good week after a terrible 5 years
    Favourites: Bookie Bloodbath/lots of winning favs (Samcro, AJ & AS, Footpad, Altior, BVD, COC)
    Cup: Ireland to smash England in the Prestbury Cup

  • #2
    Selectabet ?

    Originally posted by charlie View Post
    The Gaulstats website has a general trends section ( - I thought it would be worth adding a general Cheltenham predictions thread looking at owners/jockeys/trainers (or whatever you like). I wouldn't expect this to impact the horses people back, but it might be useful/interesting to see what people collectively think. I'l start (I appreciate a few of these are quite likely predictions):

    Trainer: Henderson to train the most winners YES
    Trainer: Jessica Harrington to train 3 winners NO
    Trainer: Gordon Elliot to train more winners than Willie Mullins YES
    Trainer: Donald McCain to train his first winner since Cinder's & Ashes (been 5 years since his last fez) YES
    Trainer: Kayley Woollacott to train a winner (wouldn't that be fantastic) IT WOULD
    Trainer: Hobbs, Tizzard & King no winners INTERESTING ONE - COULD EASILY HAPPEN
    Owner: Rich Ricci not to have winner NO
    Owner: JPM most winning owner YES
    Jockey: Richard Johnson to have a good week after a terrible 5 years PROBABLY NOT (HOBBS)
    Favourites: Bookie Bloodbath/lots of winning favs (Samcro, AJ & AS, Footpad, Altior, BVD, COC) YES - I THINK MARKETS WELL FORMED NOW
    Cup: Ireland to smash England in the Prestbury Cup


    • #3
      Davy or Jack Kennedy to be top jock ?

