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Stayers Hurdle 2018

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  • Originally posted by Sirbetalot View Post
    I like L'ami Serge and I totally understand the positives & negatives, I can see it getting placed & winning is not a million miles out of the question.

    If we all had the same opinion on every race there would be no bookies nor exchanges.

    You pays your money you takes your chance...

    Gl all what every you fancy for this...
    what makes you think winning isn't a million miles out of the question? For me, it is... based on above.

    All the people that like L'ami Serge I am yet to see someone give me any reason to believe he'll have his head in front at the line in this specific race.

    All about opinions of course, but my opinions are based on the cases I've made, and all the "debate" I get is not backed up with anything that I can see...


    • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
      what makes you think winning isn't a million miles out of the question? For me, it is... based on above.

      All the people that like L'ami Serge I am yet to see someone give me any reason to believe he'll have his head in front at the line in this specific race.

      All about opinions of course, but my opinions are based on the cases I've made, and all the "debate" I get is not backed up with anything that I can see...
      Just a guess, but anyone who seriously thinks Lami serge can win this race, also probably liked The New One for champion hurdle in past years, and Zarkander for the World hurdle and maybe even Silviniaco Conti for the Gold cup ?

      All horses where it was hard to find a strong case for, but plenty against IMO.


      • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
        what makes you think winning isn't a million miles out of the question? For me, it is... based on above.

        All the people that like L'ami Serge I am yet to see someone give me any reason to believe he'll have his head in front at the line in this specific race.

        All about opinions of course, but my opinions are based on the cases I've made, and all the "debate" I get is not backed up with anything that I can see...
        Any horse can win any race, have you never seen a horse before that could not win a race win?

        If its a million miles away and because you wrote about it lay me 200/1, I will stick £5 in an account you put £1000 in, or would you not lay him at that price? and if you would lay him at what price please?


        • Originally posted by Sirbetalot View Post
          Any horse can win any race, have you never seen a horse before that could not win a race win?

          If its a million miles away and because you wrote about it lay me 200/1, I will stick £5 in an account you put £1000 in, or would you not lay him at that price? and if you would lay him at what price please?
          Haha, yes of course, I've been wrong plenty of times and no doubt wil lbe proved wrong time and time again... but 12/1 isn't a good bet on the evidence provided IMO .... so if I am wrong, I sitll don't think L:'ami Serge is good value!

          If he was 200/1, I would back him each way.

          If he was 12/1 to place I'd back him

          I don't often lay horses - but I will be laying L'ami Serge to win, and he'll be less than 200/1 on the exchanges (currently backable at 12.5/1)

          How about you lay me 100/1 on Sam Spinner?

          Whether I take your fiver doesn't make the case for him winning any more solid... again, no REASONS being put forward other than "any horse can win any race"....


          • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
            Haha, yes of course, I've been wrong plenty of times and no doubt wil lbe proved wrong time and time again... but 12/1 isn't a good bet on the evidence provided IMO .... so if I am wrong, I sitll don't think L:'ami Serge is good value!

            If he was 200/1, I would back him each way.

            If he was 12/1 to place I'd back him

            I don't often lay horses - but I will be laying L'ami Serge to win, and he'll be less than 200/1 on the exchanges (currently backable at 12.5/1)

            How about you lay me 100/1 on Sam Spinner?

            Whether I take your fiver doesn't make the case for him winning any more solid... again, no REASONS being put forward other than "any horse can win any race"....
            But I give Sam spinner a chance, if I gave him no chance I would lay him at 100/1 for the win only, but I also give 8 other horses in the race a chance for the win..

            I agree Lami could be better odds but he is not & the reason he is not much bigger than 12/1 is because he still have a chance and if the bookies & exchanges offered a much bigger price it would be snapped up... Then laid off jumping the last


            • Originally posted by Sirbetalot View Post
              But I give Sam spinner a chance, if I gave him no chance I would lay him at 100/1 for the win only, but I also give 8 other horses in the race a chance for the win..

              I agree Lami could be better odds but he is not & the reason he is not much bigger than 12/1 is because he still have a chance and if the bookies & exchanges offered a much bigger price it would be snapped up... Then laid off jumping the last
              I've created a book on this race, the only losers I have at the moment are L'ami Serge, Penhill, Donna's Diamond and Old Guard.

              I am much more fearful of Penhill...and could add him and still be in profit as long as L'ami, DD and OG don't win....

              I've already put my money where my mouth is.... and I am still going to lay him

              I'm not complaining at all that L'ami is 12/1 .... the more people who think he can win, the better....

              100% agree, he is a back-to-lay in running prospect too, although that is not something I've done before or will be doing this year


              • Originally posted by Kevloaf View Post
                I've created a book on this race, the only losers I have at the moment are L'ami Serge, Penhill, Donna's Diamond and Old Guard.

                I am much more fearful of Penhill...and could add him and still be in profit as long as L'ami, DD and OG don't win....

                I've already put my money where my mouth is.... and I am still going to lay him

                I'm not complaining at all that L'ami is 12/1 .... the more people who think he can win, the better....

                100% agree, he is a back-to-lay in running prospect too, although that is not something I've done before or will be doing this year
                I won't keep going on about it, I starting to bore myself.. I only have him for small stakes, to me this is not a real betting race anyway but I like to have some interest in the race, I also like horse that come on the bridle as the race could be ran at a silly pace then fall apart at the end leaving Lami 15L clear


                • Bacardys for me.


                  • Good point just made on the Coral preview. The one time The New One gets his ground for the Champion Hurdle he is in this race.


                    • Sam Spinner well supported recently but could Donna's Diamond make things difficult for Joe Colliver? No easy lead.


                      • More stats out the window, lol! Albert Bartlett winner and the big lay off! Jeez!

                        Archie warned us


                        • What a training performance that is


                          • Wow. I did NOT expect that.

                            No gamble on the day either...

                            Some animal! Looked to do that quite easily in the end!


                            • Had him @ 20s & 16s for the AP last year but couldn't have him without a run this year.. dam.

                              Good horse...


                              • Had a free bet on Penhill and LAAAAAAAAAY L'ami Serge

                                I won more from the latter

