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2016 Ryanair

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  • 2016 Ryanair

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    Uxizandre out for the season ?
    Last edited by Old Vic; 2 August 2015, 09:35 AM.

  • #2
    The price wise curse innit.


    • #3
      Terrible news.
      We want all the games best animals fit and racing, sad when news like this hits as early as August.....


      • #4
        I've just seen a report that Uxizandre is only out until Christmas.....


        • #5
          Originally posted by Istabraq View Post
          I've just seen a report that Uxizandre is only out until Christmas.....

          Frank Berry, racing manager to owner JP McManus, said: "Hopefully it's nothing too serious.

          "It's nothing major, we don't think. We're hoping that he'll be back after Christmas."


          • #6
            This might be a market worth playing. top ones will end up in different races and can't have the old champs coming back, the two mates of most interest,


            • #7
              One that I'm going to put up for this is Clarcam. Decent form over hurdles and some good runs over fences, seemed to appreciate the step up in trip when winning at Aintree, came 3rd on first start this season but expect him to come on again now the cobwebs have been blown away. The only negative I have is his form at Cheltenham ( F 8 NR) however with more experience (expect he may come to Cheltenham for a run) and in what looks like a wide open race, I feel he may be a tempting EW bet at the prices


              • #8
                Clarcam is a good shout. Champagne Fever also maybe ?

                Apache Stronghold looks like he might be a bit of value...some niggle tells me he had a setback. Anyone heard anything ?


                • #9
                  I stuck with Clarcam all last season but have to be disappointed with his couple of runs this season especially after such a good win at Aintree end of last season.

                  I've backed Vroum Vroum Mag for this at 14/1.


                  • #10
                    Vroum Vroum Mag has been my fancy for this since the market has formed, just hope it turns up, is Dynaste still a big player in this market for this race???


                    • #11

                      Again, little to report here this week aside from a clarification: Paul Jones's weekly Festival advice brought to my attention some ambiguity about whether the titleholder, Uxizandre, is out for the season or there was hope he might make it back for the Spring.

                      I rang Alan King, his trainer, who said: "No, he's out for the season. To my knowledge, there is no chance of him coming back before then." It's good to be sure. Never underestimate the miracles performed by the Healing Hands; it can prove costly.


                      • #12
                        It sucks that most bookies will still happily take money from punters on Uxizandre when connections are stating that he definitely won't run, it's nothing more than stealing


                        • #13
                          Vroum Vroum Mag entered for Carlisle on Sunday where she could face Ma Filleule.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MrMcGoldrick View Post
                            It sucks that most bookies will still happily take money from punters on Uxizandre when connections are stating that he definitely won't run, it's nothing more than stealing
                            Completely agree.
                            That said, the flip side was the infamous Binocular debacle (the first one !) where he was out for the year, then made a remarkable comeback and was back in training then a week later win the champion hurdle !
                            Were there any bookies quoting huge prices ante post that year who got filled in ?


                            • #15
                              VVM now running over hurdles tomorrow at Clonmel.

