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What was your biggest Cheltenham winning bet ever ?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MrMcGoldrick View Post
    I think he must be injured, has had quite a few problems, real shame that because if you watch him ride he's about the closest thing to Ruby Walsh you'll ever see, doesn't get the rides he should
    He seemed to be swinging the golf club

    I think you are right about not getting the rides he should. I am pretty sure that's what one of the guys told me in my group.


    • #17
      I backed Nortons Coin !


      • #18
        Faugheen was my biggest ever win last year as backed him at 16/1, 6/1 & 9/2 and he will be my biggest this year as on again at 12/1.

        Biggest priced winner would be Salubrious at 25/1, seemed like I was the only one on course that backed him that day with everyone looking at me like I was a Loon as I was celebrating like a mad man.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Morning Glory View Post
          I backed Nortons Coin !
          have you backed any since


          • #20
            Won about £170 on Bensalem at the festival a few years ago.

            I've got a chance of lifting £810 on the first day with Willie Mullins. A Faugheen, Douvan and Un De Sceaux treble.


            • #21
              Originally posted by stephensmith84 View Post
              Won about £170 on Bensalem at the festival a few years ago.

              I've got a chance of lifting £810 on the first day with Willie Mullins. A Faugheen, Douvan and Un De Sceaux treble.
              Nice one


              • #22
                My best bet that come in was an ew double wisper/silver concorde....small stake but kept me in play for the festival. Result.


                • #23
                  Biggest return was Present View last year. Was all over him from 16s down, never looked in doubt from the stands, then I went back in the bar and **** myself watching the replay, thought he was going to be chucked out !! Had him in a nice EW double with Next Sensation in the Grand Annual, both at 16s. Still cursing Johnson for going of like a scalded cat on that one, but hey-ho !

                  Biggest price was Something Wells in the Plate in 2009. Had him ante-post at 33s and then topped up on the Tote - paid around 51/1 !!


                  • #24
                    Biggest single priced festival winner was Medinas @33/1

                    Biggest winning festival bet was an e/w lucky15 last year that included Whisper (25/1), Sire de Grugy (7/2) and Balthazar King (6/1)

                    Biggest missed chance was actually in the 2013 Aintree foxhunters when the other half wanted to put a fiver e/w on tartan snow (100/1). I thought I'd be caring and supportive of her novice gambling status and dutifully talked her out of burning £10 on a horse making up the numbers. I now cannot go through any festival without being retold how I cost her a 100/1 winner and how she is better at finding value than I am


                    • #25
                      My biggest win was at last year's festival. Had a win double on midnight prayer (16/1) and o'faighlens boy (16/1).

                      Hopefully Faugheen will blow that out of the water this year. He's the last leg of a each way treble at 5/1, having already bagged 16/1 & 18/1 winners. If Faugheen wins, Annie Power would be the last leg of a small 5 fold. I'm hoping for a great 40 minutes a week on Tuesday!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Faugheen_Machine View Post
                        My biggest win was at last year's festival. Had a win double on midnight prayer (16/1) and o'faighlens boy (16/1).

                        Hopefully Faugheen will blow that out of the water this year. He's the last leg of a each way treble at 5/1, having already bagged 16/1 & 18/1 winners. If Faugheen wins, Annie Power would be the last leg of a small 5 fold. I'm hoping for a great 40 minutes a week on Tuesday!
                        Nice to have then all together. Heard Annie is going to Mares and not World Hurdle in spite of the story from Cork Preview.


                        • #27
                          Yeah, I don't think AP would be trading as big as she is for the world hurdle if there was any substance to the rumours.

