Odds after Betfair Hurdle
Gilgamboa (10), Dell Arca (12), Irish Saint (14), Quick Jack (14), Cheltenian (16), City Slicker (16), Lac Fontana (16), Pique Sous (16), River Maigue (16), Sametegal (16), Vendor (16), Willows Saviour (16), Bayan (20), Clever Cookie (20), Court Minstrel (20), Flaxen Flare (20), Ifandbutwhynot (20), Ptit Zig (20), Rolling Star (20)out, Splash Of Ginge (20), Swing Bowler (20), Tanerko Emery (20), Captain Cee Bee (25), Chris Pea Green (25), Get Me Out Of Here (25), Gibb River (25), Montbazon (25)out, Pine Creek (25), Strongpoint (25), Tennis Cap (25), Calculated Risk (33), Kashmir Peak (33), Manyriverstocross (33), Shotavodka (33)
Gilgamboa (10), Dell Arca (12), Irish Saint (14), Quick Jack (14), Cheltenian (16), City Slicker (16), Lac Fontana (16), Pique Sous (16), River Maigue (16), Sametegal (16), Vendor (16), Willows Saviour (16), Bayan (20), Clever Cookie (20), Court Minstrel (20), Flaxen Flare (20), Ifandbutwhynot (20), Ptit Zig (20), Rolling Star (20)out, Splash Of Ginge (20), Swing Bowler (20), Tanerko Emery (20), Captain Cee Bee (25), Chris Pea Green (25), Get Me Out Of Here (25), Gibb River (25), Montbazon (25)out, Pine Creek (25), Strongpoint (25), Tennis Cap (25), Calculated Risk (33), Kashmir Peak (33), Manyriverstocross (33), Shotavodka (33)