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A-Z of Novice Hurdle Entries 2014

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  • A-Z of Novice Hurdle Entries 2014

    Name of Horse Races entered
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Adeupas d’Ycy
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Adriana des Mottes
    JCB Triumph Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    All Pepper
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Ange Balafre
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Apache Jack
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Apache Stronghold
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Arctic Fire
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Area Fifty One
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Art Mauresque
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Art Of Payroll
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Arzembouy Premier
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Ashes House
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Aurore d’Estruval
    JCB Triumph Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Beat That
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Big Hands Harry
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Briar Hill
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Call Me Vic
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Captain Cutter
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Carole’s Destrier
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Champagne West
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Cherry Tiger
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    City Slicker
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Clonard Lad
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Clondaw Court
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Cocktails At Dawn
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Cole Harden
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Company Coming
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Cup Final
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Curley Bill
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Cyrien Star
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Deep Trouble
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Dell’ Arca
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Deputy Dan
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Diamond King
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Diamond Life
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Doing Fine
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Don Poli
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Double Irish
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Dubai Prince
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Duroble Man
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Fantasy King
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Fascino Rustico
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Fennell Bay
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    First Mohican
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Flatfoot Boogie
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Forced Family Fun
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Fourth Act
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Fox Norton
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Garde La Victoire
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Gassin Golf
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Germany Calling
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Gilt Shadow
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Gitane Du Berlais
    JCB Triumph Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’
    Gold Patrol
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Gone Too Far
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Goodwood Mirage
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Guitar Pete
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Halling’s Treasure
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Hawk High
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Henry Higgins
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Indian Icon
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Irish Cavalier
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Ivan Grozny
    JCB Triumph Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Joanne One
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Josses Hill
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Kaki De La Pree
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Kentucky Hyden
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Killala Quay
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    King of The Picts
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Kings Palace
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Knock House
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Last edited by Old Vic; 30 January 2014, 05:01 PM.

  • #2
    Kris Spin
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Lac Fontana
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Le Rocher
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Le Vent d’Antan
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Legacy Gold
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Lieutenant Colonel
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Little Rocky
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky
    Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Lord Of Scotland
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Lucky Bridle
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Madness Light
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Masters Hill
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Medieval Chapel
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Merrion Row
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Midnight Thunder
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Minella Foru
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Moonshine Lad
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Mountain King
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Mountain Tunes
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Moyle Park
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    New Year’s Eve
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Noble Endeavor
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Noble Inn
    JCB Triumph Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Orgilgo Bay
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Oscar Hoof
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Oscar Rock
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Our Pollyanna
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Pearl Castle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Perfect Gentleman
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Pink Hat
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Pleasant Company
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Port Melon
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Portway Flyer
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Potters Cross
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Powder Hound
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Prince Of Lombardy
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Prince Siegfried
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Quick Jack
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Quickpick Vic
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Racing Pulse
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Rainbow Peak
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Real Steel
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Red Devil Lads
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Red Sherlock
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Regal Diamond
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Regal Encore
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    River Of Time
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Roll It Out
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Ronnie Lawson
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Royal Boy
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Royal Irish Hussar
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Royal Player
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Royal Regatta
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Royal Skies
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Rydon Pynes
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Saint Roque
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Sausalito Sunrise
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Sea Lord
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Sego Success
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Sgt Reckless
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Shanahan’s Turn
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Shantou Magic
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Silver Eagle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Sky Khan
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Space Ship
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Spirit Of Shankly
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Splash Of Ginge
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Stand To Reason
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Stellar Notion
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky
    Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Sure Reef
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Tara Road
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    The Brock Again
    JCB Triumph Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    The Job Is Right
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    The Liquidator
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    The Plan Man
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    The Tullow Tank
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Three Kingdoms
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Thunder And Roses
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Tiger Roll
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Twelve Roses
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Un Ace
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Un Temps Pour Tout
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Urban Hymn
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle
    Valseur Lido
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle, Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme
    Novices’ Hurdle
    Very Wood
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Vice Et Vertu
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Vicenzo Mio
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Vicky De L’Oasis
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Vieux Lion Rouge
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Violet Dancer
    JCB Triumph Hurdle
    Volnay de Thaix
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Volt Face
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Waxies Dargle
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    West Wizard
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Western Boy
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    When Ben When
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Wicklow Brave
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Wicklow Gold
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Wilde Blue Yonder
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Willow’s Saviour
    Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle, Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Wounded Warrior
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
    Zamdy Man
    Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
    Last edited by Old Vic; 30 January 2014, 05:05 PM.


    • #3
      West Wizard still alive then.

      Much as it pains me to say it Willie Mullins must have a head wreck with these.

      Should split the Supreme into two divisions again.

      Div 1 - Mullins

      Div 2 - everyone else

